Google Like Search Demo for property in HK :
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Result : Total Records : 23 | Records/Page : 20 | Page : 2 / 2
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Reg Date Address CN Address EN Building Age Area Price Unit Price
2010-05-05  2  10  5  H   FLAT H   5/F   TOWER 10   PHASE 2   METRO HARBOUR VIEW   9 499 HK$ 2330000 HK$ 4669
2010-04-16  2  5  47  H   METRO HARBOUR VIEW   PHASE 2   TOWER 5   47/F   FLAT H   9 499 HK$ 2730000 HK$ 5467
2010-03-24  2  5  39  H   FLAT H   39/F   TOWER 5   PHASE 2   METRO HARBOUR VIEW   9 499 HK$ 2500000 HK$ 5010
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